

Dr. Becky is out of the office and not responding to emails between February 16-March 10. New referrals will be considered for April depending on caseload demands, with a priority given for school age ADHD Assessments until the end of the school year. 

Please note:  New referrals are only accepted via email

Dr. Becky Keating is a Registered Psychologist who works with children, youth and their families. She provides both clinical assessment and psychotherapy professional services.  You will find details about her services on this site. If you have questions, or would like to book an appointment, please contact Dr. Keating by email (see email address below).

Direct Billing to Blue Cross and Great West Life/Canada Life is available. Please note it is the responsibility of clients to contact their insurance providers regarding the details of their coverage in advance of making a referral for services and to pay the co-pay required once services are delivered.  Payment for services is due the day of your child’s appointment or upon receipt of invoice.  

* Please note that credit card information is required to book initial consultations.  Your credit card will only be charged in the event you do not attend your scheduled appointment as planned.  Credit cards may also be charged in the event of late payments.  

Office Location: 8799 Commercial Street, New Minas, Nova Scotia B4N 3C4.  (Lazaric building).  You enter the waiting room by taking the door on the right once you enter the front foyer of the building. 

Hours: Dr. Keating’s practice is limited to daytime hours at this time (8:30am to 3:30pm M-F). Upon request, notes can be provided to excuse children/youth from school and caregivers from work.

Dr. Keating is now accepting new clients for ADHD assessments to be completed during the 2024/2025 academic year.  ADHD assessments average $2500 (no tax is charged).   The total cost is billable by hours of work involved to complete the assessment which varies by case and the presence of any other mental health or situational challenges.  See below for additional information about ADHD Assessments. 

Please note: Dr. Keating does not conduct psychoeducational assessments or assessments for Autism Spectrum Disorders through her practice at this time.  She is also not accepting referrals for assessment or treatment of Eating Disorders.

E-mail: psychology@drbeckykeating.ca (preferred contact method).  The phone number for Dr. Becky provided by Google is not her phone number.

ADHD Assessments

Currently booking for the 2024/2025 school year!

Dr. Keating’s ADHD Assessments generally include the following:

– A thorough developmental history

– Initial Consultation and subsequent interviews with the child/youth and guardian(s) as needed

– A Teacher interview (as needed)

– Report Card review

– Behavioural rating forms and other measures deemed appropriate depending on diagnostic queries

– Classroom observation of child/youth if necessary

– Oral feedback including psychoeducation to child/youth and guardian(s)

– A report summarizing the assessment results including individualized recommendations to support the child/youth at home, at school, and in the community.

– As appropriate, intervention/treatment will be offered to clients for concerns that may be brought to light through the assessment process.

ADHD Assessment Fees

Clients are responsible for paying for each in-person session at the time they are seen throughout the assessment process ($225 per session following the Initial Consultation).

There are two additional fees of $700 charged in addition to the above:     

  • when all assessment measures have been sent to informants
  • following the parent interview for report writing